Wednesday, December 31, 2008

#61 Attending Services at Unity Temple...

I have been invited to attend a Burning Bowl ceremony today at 5pm. I'm really looking forward to this because of the perception of a fresh start. I am ready to put this year behind me. Its one that will always stand out as more memorable than others because of the amount and depth of transition. I want to work on health and healing as the theme for 2009. There are aspects of my life that feel completely out of control (not that i have to control everything, its just that i need to bring some order to the chaos to feel more grounded, connected to this place.)I want to be still. I have fallen into the patterns of old vices and let my boundaries evaporate searching for the elusive feelings of peace. I have assumed that those I interacted with shared the same level of consciousness and committment to respect and reciprocity only to learn a few more painful lessons. I have made some new friends, whom i hope become permanent patches in the piecework. Thin blood and thick water...

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